Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies

       Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods. A report made by the National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan, proved that an increase in student exposure to educational ICT through curriculum integration has a significant and positive impact on student achievement, especially in terms of "Knowledge & Comprehension" · "Practical skill" and "Presentation skill" in subject areas such as mathematics, science, and social study.
However, you can see that there are many education technology solutions provided in the world which may cause confusion among educators about how to choose the right ICT solution. Let's have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of ICT tools for education and discover what kind of education ICT solution is suitable for your school needs.


1. Through ICT, images can easily be used in teaching and improving the retentive memory of students.
2. Through ICT, teachers can easily explain complex instructions and ensure students' comprehension.
3. Through ICT, teachers are able to create interactive classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which could improve student attendance and concentration.


1. Setting up the devices can be very troublesome.
2. Too expensive to afford.
3. Hard for teachers to use with a lack of experience using ICT tools.

       As the world of ICT continues to grow, the industry has focused on several innovations. These innovations cater to the needs of the people that benefit most out of ICT. Whether it is for business or personal use, these trends are the current front runners in the innovation of ICT.

1. Convergence
       Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.

2. Social Media
       A website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content. According to Nielsen, a global information and measurement company, Internet users spend more time in social media sites that in any other type of site. With this, more and more advertisers use social media to promote their product.

    There are 6 types of social media:
         1. Social Networks
         2. Bookmarking Sites
         3. Social News
         4. Media Sharing
         5. Microblogging
         6. Blogs and Forums

3. Mobile Technologies
       The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices’ capability to do tasks that were originally found in personal computers. Several of these devices are capable of using high-speed internet. Also, mobile devices use different operating systems:

a. Android
b. iOS

c. Windows Mobile

d. Windows Phone

e. Blackberry

4. Assistive Media
       A nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user.


  1. There are these students who are afraid to use technology.. they have what they call 'Technophobia'. In that sense, what can you do to those students? How can you let them embrace the technology that the world is offering?

    1. Hi Aldrin! If there are students who are afraid to use technology, don't let them to be like that. Try to expose and teach them how to use it (should be step by step). There is a subject that uses technology like ICT, right? ICT teachers will guide students how to use computer properly (which is a technology). If they will learn to use it they might enjoy and can be confident.

  2. Ma'am in social media #2, what is the use of bookmarking sites?

    1. Good question Cheska, bookmarking sites allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources. Most of these sites allow you to create a tag that allows you and others to easily search or share them.

  3. Ma'am, if teachers that uses ICT tools are lack of experience, what are the possible problem they encounter in using it?

    1. Daisy, if teachers of ICT are lack of experience, they not be able to discuss properly. Teachers who wants to teach ICT should have knowledge in this subject.

  4. In your opinion, what is the most important thing to consider when applying ICT on your teaching?

    1. In teaching ICT, teachers should be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using computer to the students.

  5. Replies
    1. These sites focus on short updates from the user. Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates.

  6. why there is no mentioned about Ubuntu here? in mobile technologies? but the windows and mac are mentioned! very unfair for the ubuntu users :(

    1. Sorry lester, I'm not familiar with ubuntu phone and in my manual I just have those 5 smartphones above. Can you educate us about ubuntu phone? Thanks. :)

    2. although on your manual you only have 5 smartphones, you need to make your knowledge very broad about the other technologies, although ubuntu is not famous here in the philippines, you need to introduce also this kind of OS on your students, we didn't know some of our students, will go abroad, and they have no knowledge about this kind of OS, so much better we teach them about this, :) HAHAHAHA

    3. Ohh I see, Ubuntu’s scopes are like individual home screens for different kinds of content, giving you access to everything from movies and music to local services and social media, without having to go through individual apps. Btw, is your cellphone is an ubuntu phone? Educate us please? :)

  7. Hi Ma'am! You said that one of the disadvantages of using ICT tools in education is that it is too expensive. As a future educator, how can I still integrate technology with just a limited budget? Any tips or ideas that you can suggest? Thanks in advance! :)

    1. Hi Hannah! Even though we just have a limited budget, we can still integrate technology through the help of the technology in our school. I think school who have ICT subject, also have computers to use so that students will learn. If there are a small number of computers in the classroom, rotate students through them in groups. Not only does this maximize access, it encourages collaborative learning. Last, Demonstrate. Another way to gain popular support of technology integration is to give a carefully-planned demonstration of how increasing access can improve and transform instruction and learning. These demonstrations should offer concrete examples of how a technology aligns with standards and should be carefully planned to avoid technological glitches.

  8. hi ma'am lulu. does microblogging and blog has the same concept/function? if no what are their differences?

    1. Good question kristine! Actually they are different, Microblogging focus on short updates from the user. Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. For example, Twitter while Blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style just like what we do now. :)

  9. If we dont have that 'much' experience in other social medias, what should we do to in order to understand especially if our teachers told us to use such media sites that we are not familiar?

    1. Hi Cesiah! that's why we have ICT subject so that we can learn about the use of computers & other applications. All we need to do is to explore it. Listen when our teacher discussing about this. :)

  10. ICT can be a better method on teaching and learning, but how can we use this if many school is lacking in funds? It would be a problem for them if the goverment made this ICT method a must in all school.

    1. Good question Geryl! It is a must that before the government implement such method, they should evaluate first if all school have enough technologies that can be use in teaching. If a school is lucking in funds and if there are a small number of computers in the classroom, rotate students through them in groups. Not only does this maximize access, it encourages collaborative learning.

  11. when I was in junior high school, we have a lot of books, but those books are also available in PDF files/format, hence it is more comfortable to use gadgets rather than heavy books, but our teacher disapproves using gadgets in the class, what can you recommend for this kind of situation where the use of ICT is not maximize, instead, prohibited?

    1. Maybe because your teacher wants you to be responsible. Mobile technologies have disadvantages too like it is kinda distraction to us we still need to preserve the traditional use of books. Then if your subject is ICT then you can use mobile technologies.

  12. We all know that in a school, not all students are given the priveledge to have access to whatever technology we have now. What do you think po is the best solution to this major problem teachers will be facing in the future?

    1. Free internet (Free wifi), Free technologies :) HAHAHA

  13. Maam what are the some examples of site that are belong to social news? and Maam is ICT are really effective to anything that is related to our subjects?

    1. - Digg is one of the more popular social news sites. On Digg, members can share news about almost any topic—from celebrity gossip all the way to politics. Users can then peruse the news being shared, and when the come across something that interests them, they can “digg” it. The more “diggs” a news story receives, the higher it ranks on the site.

      - Reddit is another popular social news site. It works similarly to Digg. Users share content on a variety of news topics. They also have the ability to create their own community (called subreddits). Information on Reddit can be actual news, or it can be something interesting that a user felt like sharing. Users get to vote on the best content on the site, and those that get the most votes will appear at the top of the site. Plus, users have the ability to comment on the news shared by others.

      - Delicious is a social news site that allows you to bookmark interesting websites and share the information with your friends. You can save anything—web links, pictures, blogs, videos, and even tweets. The bookmarks that receive the highest number of votes are then placed on the home page for all to see.

      - Interested in saving the planet and everything else eco-conscious? Now you can share your love of green with others. Grow News allows users to share information on eco-friendly related topics. Like the other social news sites, Grow News features the most popular stories on their home page, and these stories are determined by the number of votes they receive.

      - Newsvine is a compilation of popular stories from around the world. The news on this site is generated by the users, and the most popular stories are pushed to the top of the site. Any time you read an interesting news story on the web, you can share it with other people through Newsvine, or you can write your own news stories and share them on the site too.

      Staying up to date on the news in the world is important, but if you don’t have time to read the newspaper, make sure to check out the happenings on one (or all) of these social news sites. It’s a great way to stay current on popular events while also having a say as to which content is shared.

      (Btw, I just searched it :))

      Yes, of course! ICT subject is really effective. Kindly read the advantages of ICT in education. I already discussed it here in my blog :)

  14. Is it okay to stay using facebook only and not to appreciate this kind of social? Im sorry for my question but Im totally not a social media user. I only use facebook and other that is easy to use.

    1. Try to explore other sites it might be helpful in your learnings.

  15. Maam is it possible to run multiple OS on one mobile device?

    1. Yes, Ubuntu Phone does it. It comes with 4GB RAM allowing it to dual boot with Android which means Ubuntu Touch and Android OS in same mobile.

      But the procedure is not simplified and streamlined to be user friendly . It requires a lot of reading and a mind which can digest bricked devices .

      I would suggest you go through these links .
      Developer Preview Lets You Dual Boot Ubuntu and Android - XDA Forums
      Threads Tagged with dual boot

  16. If they have advantage of this what are those disadvantages of using ICT in education?

    1. Hi Ruwan! I already put the disadvantages of using ICT in education. Kindly read. :)

  17. Ma'am. Based on the article. If teachers is lack of experience. What would be the problems they encounter while teaching ICT?

    1. Hi Arnel, if teachers of ICT are lack of experience, they not be able to discuss properly. Teachers who wants to teach ICT should have knowledge in this subject.

  18. Regarding on mobile technologies, which operating system would you recommend the most? Can you give reasons that is advantageous regarding on which OS can help us, students, be more flexible and comfortable towards ICT-learning related matters. Thankyou ma'am!

    1. I suggest Ubuntu :) With the first device using Ubuntu released last year, many are predicting that manufacturers will switch from Android to the Linux kernel system instead.

      For those who don’t know about Ubuntu Touch, it’s an open-source OS, similar to Android, is completely free, and supported by the Free/Libre Open-Source Software (FLOSS) community and Canonical Ltd, which was founded by Ubuntu’s creator. The latter ensures that new versions, including patches, are released every six months.

      That’s the important part: you have to keep it up-to-date. Many desktop computers using the OS don’t receive security patches unless they’re on an LTS (long term support) release; fortunately, as their smartphones are new, they’ll be supported for a while yet.

      Ubuntu prides itself on saving its users from malware and spyware, but it is open source, so some nefarious apps can slip through the net. Fixes, though, are typically rolled out quicker because the open source community has access to the code, can test a patch, and send it to Linux HQ. In contrast, closed source codes can only be accessed by company employees.

      The Ubuntu App Store is more secure because it uses an automated review tool that checks if a new application is secure, and if anything questionable is found, it’s subject to a manual review too. What’s more, you need to enable certain permissions before apps install any surplus.

      Plus, of course, there’s the fact — sorry, Linux users — that it’s not a massively popular system right now (at least in relation to Android and iOS), so attacks are few and far between. As it grows in popularity, Ubuntu will be a bigger target. To put that in perspective, in October 2015, an app taking advantage of flaws in the installation code affected a grand total of 15 people.

      But still, it depends on you. If what OS would be easy for you to use.

  19. Ma'am what are the disadvantages of using mobile technologies?

    1. Among the disadvantages of using a mobile phone are the hindrance they can pose to human interaction, danger when they're used while driving and a greater likelihood of harassment. In addition, mobile phones make their users overly available during their time off work, resulting in a work-life imbalance.

  20. Mam in ICT as a medium of education, does it more focus the students in their capabilities of absorbing the standards of knowledge, than the traditional teching of one-on-one face-to-face case?

    1. Yes :) But in other side, we still need to preserve traditional teaching because communication (face-to-face) are really important rather that chatting through technologies.

  21. ma'am can you give more information about convergence in ICT.

    1. Hi kristel! Convergence is an often used but rarely defined concept. Ideas such as the creation of synergies, disappearance of industry boundaries, integration, or overlapping of markets, are all used to describe this phenomenon. Technological convergence is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks (Wikipedia). Convergence can refer to previously separate technologies such as voices, data and videos that now share resources and interact with each other, synergistically creating new efficiencies. The phenomenon of convergence occurs when innovations emerge at the intersection of established and clearly defined industry boundaries, thereby sparking off an evolutionary development with a much broader impact. In recent industry developments within information technology (IT), bio-technology (BT) and nano-technology (NT), the convergence of technologies and knowledge bases has induced a variety of industrial points of inflection. Hence, industry boundaries have become blurred, and innovation does not take place within previously existing industrial silos anymore, but rather between them (Hacklin et al., 2009).

      The dictionary definition of convergence is ‘tendency to meet at a point’ or ‘gradual change so as to become similar or develop something in common’. The first use of the term convergence can be traced back to Rosenberg (1963) who introduced the label ‘technological convergence’ as a way to describe the evolution towards a specialized machine tool industry in the US in the late 1800s. Rosenberg’s notion of technological convergence appears to have re-emerged in recent decades as way of describing the apparent merger of telecom, data communication, IT, media and entertainment into a giant ICT and multimedia industry (Gambardella and Torrisi, 1998). During the 90s, convergence was mainly discussed in the context of the merger of the IT, telecommunications, media and entertainment industries into a giant ‘infocom’ sector (Lind, 2004). (From google)

  22. why mobile devices use different operating systems ?

    1. Waah (malalim na question, teka isisearch ko para sayo).
      The Operating system is a base infrastructure software component of a computerized system. It controls all basic operations of the computer (or other electronic devices such as PDA, smartphone, etc.). The Operating System allows the user to install and execute third-party applications (commonly called apps for short), usually adding new functionality to the device.

      Among the most popular computer operating systems are Microsoft's Windows and Apple's Mac OS, along with the various distributions of Linux.

      The most popular OS's for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) are Apple's iOS and Google's Android and they are the only ones that still show growth. Down the ranks there are RIM's BlackBerry OS and Microsoft's Windows Phone. Symbian holds a distant fifth place, while merely a year ago it was still the most widely used mobile OS.

      Symbian held its top position for years but its market share has been slowly fading away ever since touch-operated smartphones became the norm and Symbian failed to deliver an intuitive touch UI. Almost ten years ago, Microsoft's Windows Mobile was a strong player too, offering the first touchscreen smartphone experience with the PocketPCs powered by their OS.

      Today mobile devices with a proper OS are called smartphones and users have a wide choice of applications, such as games, productivity apps, communication or social media apps, digital maps, etc.

  23. It really is beneficial to all of us to have the ICT in education. Technology does not stop in improving and that is why we have to cope up with it or else we would be left behind and the improvements would stop.

  24. how can ICT teachers motivate students who don't have much interest in computer subject?

    1. Through teaching them hands on :) ICT subject is really interesting especially to us (teenagers).

  25. What could possibly happen without ICT?

    1. What do you think? :) Almost everything in all our daily routine has one or two things to do with modern Information Communications Technology. And this is irrespective of the gender, age, profession, origin or race of human, not even social status.

      ICTs were seen to enhance efficiency in the workplace;

      · there was a high belief in ICT ability to increase the ease and speed of social communication and at the same time obviate the problem of transportation;

  26. Studying ICT is very helpful for all of us because most people doesn't know anything about the technology that they use.

  27. you have no citation on your work ... be careful :)

  28. good pm... what is the uses of empowerment technology?

  29. Maam lulu pls share ur ideas about empowermnt technology?? Tnx u heres my number 09217480273.. Tnx u mam lulu.

  30. Maam lulu pls share ur ideas about empowermnt technology?? Tnx u heres my number 09217480273.. Tnx u mam lulu.
