Left-Brained or Right Brained?

Hey! Check this out! Just for fun :)
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  1. I don't really get it.
    I got 5 B's and 2 A's and it says that I am right-brained person but in other test similar to this one, I got the opposite side of the brain. Its kinda confusing.

    Which one should is true?

    1. I think it just a test for us to be motivated but we can be either a left or right brain it depends on us (how we learn).

  2. It's kinda confusing, but it's really nice to watch, now i know that i'm a right-brained.

    1. Haha, yes kinda confusing but it is fun & motivates us. Right?

  3. It' a wonderful test, I think it is accurate. It matches my attitudes and wants.

  4. I got a lot of B's and one A. I think it is true because that is how I do my own work.

  5. It goes accurate for me. But is it really reliable? Or it just happend only on this video?

    1. I think its not. We can be either left or right brain depends on our interest.

  6. I got an even number of A's and B's

    1. You're either a left or right brained. I think it is possible :)

  7. my high school teacher once said that when you are right-brained you are most likely to use the left side of your body specifically your hands (vise versa). How come in this test I am left brained but I am most likely to use the left side of my body?

    1. Just like the different theory of many psychologists. Your teacher has his/her own ideology. We can be either left or right brain depends on how we practice. It just a test for us to be motivated.

  8. It's just for fun but still (Just what I've said) we can be either left or right brain depends on our interest and how we practice it. :) Don't be confused about this. Thank you! ^_^

  9. Why are the corresponding pictures depicting wrong answers below it? Like where the foot is placed, when it's right, it says it's left.

  10. Now i know that i am a right brained and it was fun to know because it really describes who i am

  11. Watching the video, I learned that I'm left brained and it is pretty accurate for me.

  12. I dont know if im left or right brained? :(

  13. the video has a good source of what part of brain you are

  14. this video was explain about my personality.

  15. this video was explain about my personality.

  16. 80% accurate thanks for the video Ma'am by the way i am right brain.

  17. It's kinda confusing. I got the most of B's. And it describes me very well.

  18. I got an even number of A's and B's

  19. I got an even number of A's and B's

  20. Wow that totally explains that i am left brain :)

  21. Wow that totally explains that i am left brain :)

  22. Acc. to this blog I'm a right-brained person,, in contrary i dont have the charaters of b , but the characters of A. so confusing,

  23. My teacher said that if you are right handed you should left brained. And he explain that the patient suffer from coma is connected in our brain. Example: i suffering in coma and my left part of my body can't move because of my right part of my brain is damage by accident. If my let and right part of my Brain is damage from any accident all of my body part is can't move. ☺

  24. I added how many i picks a and b and it end up even haha...
    what does it mean?

  25. I decided to turn my thoughts around and decide What ? Hahaha Its pretty Cool . HAHA now I know Right Brained :3

  26. i am right brained cause i got 6 B's

  27. i am right brained cause i got 6 B's

  28. is the reason of being a right or left brained person legitimate?

  29. Is it true that if you are left handed your brain is right brained and right handed, your left brained person?

  30. Is it possible that the left and right brain interchange?

  31. It says that im a left brained but I don't really have the cited attitudes/traits. This test is pretty cool though.

  32. I often took some test like this but my scores are not stable, I'm a left brained person in some test but in the other it showed I'm a right brained person. I kinda feel I'm at the middle of those two, is it possible?

  33. I often took some test like this but my scores are not stable, I'm a left brained person in some test but in the other it showed I'm a right brained person. I kinda feel I'm at the middle of those two, is it possible?

  34. I often took some test like this but my scores are not stable, I'm a left brained person in some test but in the other it showed I'm a right brained person. I kinda feel I'm at the middle of those two, is it possible?

  35. I often took some test like this but my scores are not stable, I'm a left brained person in some test but in the other it showed I'm a right brained person. I kinda feel I'm at the middle of those two, is it possible?
